Completed projects

Together with our partner Provectus sp.z o.o. In recent years, our company has cooperated in the implementation of IT projects in the field of delivery and implementation of IT systems and equipment.

The largest completed projects are as follows:

  • Delivery of the system for recording and streaming lectures as well as equipping the lecture rooms with the most modern equipment implemented for the Gnieźnieńska Szkoła Wyższa Milenium
  • Delivery and implementation of the conference recording and streaming system for the Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych Im. Samuela Bogumiła Lindego
  • Implementation of the recording and streaming conferences system for the Akademia Polonijna in  Częstochowie
  • Delivery of interactive monitors for the 1st High School with Bilingual Divisions M. Konopnicka in Suwałki
  • Delivery of sets of VR glasses and accessories for the University of Szczecin

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